Economic fear equals investment opportunities for the ES R&M UK Recovery fund, December 2022

Hugh Sergeant, manager of the Elite Rated ES R&M UK Recovery fund, describes the negative market to date, but noting positively how the starting valuations for the small cap sector are beginning to look attractive again. He defines certainty and uncertainty stocks, useful indicators of investor appetite, and also talks about how the fund’s investment approach helps them to make the most of the negative sentiment in the financial markets at the moment.

Hugh tells us about why he’s been aggressively buying sovereign and corporate bonds for the first time in his career and explains his reasoning behind building up the fund’s weighting in London real estate. He ends positively as well, noting that the fund is well positioned to benefit from the bottoming out of the cycle, and the move into the recovery phase of the cycle, “whenever that happens, in the next couple of quarters.”

Published on 14/12/2022 12:06pm
