VT Chelsea Managed Monthly Income

Monthly income fund at a glance Feb 24

When you’re relying on your savings to generate an income, you want to know they’re working hard. A cash account might not cut it. The monthly income fund may be more appealing.

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What does this fund do?

The monthly income fund aims to pay roughly the same amount of income each month^ so that you can budget with confidence. The fund targets an above-market income that is sustainable and consistent, as well as some capital growth, over the long term.

We think of delivering a sustainable income as a bit like a jigsaw puzzle –  all the pieces have to be in place for the picture to come together. Assets will yield differently at different times, so we will strategically combine diverse sources of income to target a high and resilient yield, year-in, year-out. 

What do we invest in?

We will invest in income funds, whose underlying assets may include UK and overseas equities, bonds, gold and targeted absolute return strategies. Assets such as property and infrastructure, which are renowned for their income-paying potential, are also expected to contribute to the fund’s yield.

We believe in transparency, so you can see a full list of what the VT Chelsea Managed Monthly Income fund invests in below.

Fund name % of fund Asset class
Man GLG UK Income Professional 4.44 Equities
Assura PLC 4.03 Property
Greencoat UK Wind PLC 3.89 Alternatives
GCP Infrastructure Investments Ltd 3.55 Fixed Income
M&G Global Dividend 3.36 Equities
FTF ClearBridge Gbl Infrastructure 3.28 Equities
Doric Nimrod Air Three Ltd 3.26 Alternatives
WS Guinness Global Equity Income 2.23 Equities
Bluefield Solar Income Fund Ltd 3.18 Alternatives
Man GLG Sterling Corporate Bond 3.10 Fixed Income
Sequoia Economic Infrastructure Income Fund Ltd 2.95 Fixed Income
Supermarket Income REIT PLC 2.92 Property
IFSL Evenlode Global Income 2.86 Equities
SDCL Energy Efficiency Income Trust PLC 2.81 Alternatives
Schroder Asian Income 2.73 Equities
Invesco US Treas Bd 7-10 Year UCITS ETF Dist 2.71 Fixed Income
Doric Nimrod Air Two Ltd 2.68 Alternatives
Artemis Corporate Bond 2.64 Fixed Income
Chrysalis Investments Ltd 2.64 Equities
GCP Asset Backed Income Fund Ltd 2.60 Fixed Income
Montanaro UK Income 4.26 Equities
Invesco UK Gilts UCITS ETF Dist 2.43 Fixed Income
Artemis Short Duration Strategic Bond 2.34 Fixed Income
Nomura Global Dynamic Bond 2.19 Fixed Income
IFSL Evenlode Income 2.11 Equities
Target Healthcare REIT Ltd 2.10 Property
Blackrock World Mining Trust PLC 2.03 Equities
Renewables Infrastructure Group Ltd 2.00 Alternatives
Montanaro UK Smaller Companies Investment Trust PLC 1.94 Equities
Man GLG High Yield Opportunities 1.89 Fixed Income
iShares MSCI World Energy Sector UCITS ETF  1.85 Equities
M&G Emerging Markets Bond 1.72 Fixed Income
Impact Healthcare REIT PLC 1.53 Property
BlackRock Continental European Income 1.36 Equities
Montanaro European Income 1.34 Equities
iShares $ TIPS UCITS ETF GBP Hgd Inc 1.26 Fixed Income
Artemis Global High Yield Bond 0.60 Fixed Income
Urban Logistics Reit PLC 0.53 Property
BioPharma Credit PLC 0.49 Fixed Income
iShares $ Treasury Bond 20+yr UCITS ETF GBP (Hedged) 0.35 Fixed Income
Cash 4.64 Cash

Information correct as at 31/05/2024. Please note percentages may not add up to 100% exactly due to rounding errors

Portfolio performance since launch*

Monthly Income performance

What are the risks?

It’s important to understand investments can go down as well as up in value. You may not get back the amount originally invested. Income payments are not guaranteed.

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Important information

^Income will be smoothed to pay a roughly level amount over 11 months, with a final adjustment payment in the 12th month, which may be more or less than the regular payment. Please note that income payments may take a few months to regulate following fund launch.

Long term is 5+ years. The aim is to have lower volatility than global equities over a rolling 5-year period.

**FE Analytics 05/06/2017-31/05/2024 VT Chelsea Managed Cautious Growth vs IA Mixed Investment

The VT Chelsea Managed Funds are for investors who prefer to make their own investment decisions, without personal advice.

Valu-Trac Investment Management Limited is the authorised corporate director (ACD) and investment manager of the VT Chelsea Managed Funds. Valu-Trac is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Valu-Trac’s FCA registration is 145168. Chelsea Portfolio Management Services Limited will be the investment adviser for the VT Chelsea Managed Funds.