Don’t invest unless you’re prepared to lose all the money you invest. This is a high-risk investment and you are unlikely to be protected if something goes wrong. Take 2 mins to learn more here.
The table below shows the Venture Capital Trusts (VCTs) that are currently available. As we are execution-only brokers, we reduce the cost of purchasing a VCT by rebating the majority of our commission to increase your investment.
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VCT | Type of VCT | Minimum Subscription | Initial Charge Before Discount | Discount | Literature & Forms |
Closing Date |
Blackfinch Spring VCT |
£3,000 |
5.5% |
3% new investors 4% existing investors *CASHBACK of first year trail commission upfront |
21 Aug 2024 (5pm) for 2024/25 |
Calculus VCT |
Generalist |
£5,000 |
5% |
2 2.5% existing investor discount *CASHBACK of first year trail commission upfront |
30 August 2024 |
Mobeus VCTs |
Generalist |
£6,000 |
3% |
0.5% *CASHBACK of first year trail commission upfront |
Opens 2 September 2024 |
Molten Ventures VCT (formerly Draper Esprit VCT) |
Generalist |
£6,000 |
5.5% |
2.5% *CASHBACK of first year trail commission upfront |
31 July 2024 (4pm) |
Octopus Apollo VCT |
Generalist |
£5,000 |
5.5% |
2.5% 3.5% for existing investors |
14 November 2024 (5pm) for final allotment |
Pembroke VCT |
Generalist |
£5,000 |
5% |
3% existing investors 2.5% new investors (including early-bird of 0.5%) |
Early-bird discount of 0.5% limited to first £5m raised or until 31 December 2024 |
ProVen VCTs |
Generalist |
£5,000 |
5.5% |
3% *CASHBACK of first year trail commission upfront |
27 September 2024 (3pm)
Puma Alpha VCT |
Generalist |
£3,000 |
3% |
1% for existing investors |
2 December 2024 (5pm)
Seneca Growth Capital VCT |
Generalist |
£3,000 |
5.5% |
3.5% new investors 4% existing investors *CASHBACK of first year trail commission upfront |
15 August 2024 (12pm) |
Please call 020 7384 7300 if you have any queries or to request literature.
Just to recap, here is a brief summary of the benefits available upon investing in a VCT in the 2023/24 tax year:
(#) The 30% income tax rebate is available not just to higher rate taxpayers but also to basic rate taxpayers, so long as you have paid as much tax as you are claiming a rebate for. Individuals aged 18 and over who subscribe for new ordinary shares in VCTs are entitled to claim income tax relief at 30% subject to the amount subscribed in any one year not exceeding £200,000. This tax relief will be clawed back by HMRC should the investment be sold within 5 years of making the investment.
Before investing in a VCT please be aware of the risk factors associated with these products, some of which include the following:
The value of VCT investments can fall as well as rise and you may not get back the full amount invested. Furthermore, it would be unwise to purchase a VCT purely for the upfront tax relief and try to sell immediately after the minimum five year holding period. It usually takes three years to invest the monies raised and create a portfolio of qualifying investments, which are usually unquoted companies that don't lend themselves to short term horizons. However, this does not usually apply to top-ups where you are investing in a mature portfolio which may have a record of paying out dividend.